On May 17-18, Nizhny Novgorod will host the 2nd Central Asian Conference of the Valdai Discussion Club. This year’s theme is “Russia – Central Asia: Cooperation and Development Amid Instability”.
Programme of the 2nd Central Asian Conference of the Valdai Discussion Club
"Russia – Central Asia: Cooperation and Development Amid Instability"
Nizhny Novgorod, May 17-18, 2022
May 17, Tuesday
10:00 – 10:15
Opening of the conference:
Open for live broadcast and media
10:15 – 11:45
Session I. Geopolitical Challenges and Joint Development
Open for live broadcast and media
The main content of world politics today is a radical revision of existing practices of international interaction. The end of globalization, tensions and conflict in relations between Russia and China, on the one hand, and the United States and Europe, on the other, require an update of approaches and practical solutions to issues that were until recently seen through the lens of the accepted norms and rules of interaction between states and the functioning of existing institutions. The role of such institutions as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or the Eurasian Economic Union, where Russia and the countries of Central Asia are members or observers, deserves special attention. The task of the session is to assess the overall impact of new turbulence, the possibility of a joint response to existential challenges and concrete solutions to those problems that already affect negatively the ability of states to achieve their main development goals.
12:00 – 13:30
Session II. Collective Security: Threats and Opportunities
In relations between Russia and the countries of Central Asia, the security of each is an integral part of the security of the rest. Radical change of the whole landscape brings challenges and threats that can dangerously interact with the existing prerequisites for internal destabilization and undermining of the political and socio-economic systems that have developed over thirty years. Such issues as the threat of terrorism and radicalism, biological security challenges, the social consequences of economic instability on a global scale and social consequences resulting from a temporary or permanent rupture of existing cooperation and trade and economic ties, acquire new prominence. In order to be prepared to repel these threats and neutralize their consequences, Russia and the countries of Central Asia have already developed mechanisms for interstate interaction at the multilateral (SCO, CSTO) and bilateral levels. The task of the session is to discuss the effectiveness of existing collective tools to respond to new threats, determine the likelihood of new challenges and understand how Russia and the countries of Central Asia can jointly respond to them.
14:30 – 16:00
Session III. International Trade and Transport of Central Eurasia in the New Conditions
International trade and well-established transport and logistics links are under stress as a result of the disruption of existing production and supply chains. However, at the same time, new opportunities are emerging that can help solve existing problems and limit the negative effects of sanctions and economic wars. Russia and the countries of Central Asia now need to have a clearer and more detailed vision of what common and bilateral solutions can be found in relation to particular issues of international economic activity, what new projects can be implemented jointly and how this will help implement their fundamental goals of national development in the modern world. The task of the session is to identify ways and opportunities to reduce damage, but also to identify new opportunities for cooperation in trade, transport and logistics at the international and bilateral level.
16:15 – 17:45
Session IV. Interregional Cooperation in a Turbulent World
Intensified cooperation between individual regions of Russia and the countries of Central Asia can be an answer to many questions and challenges. At a time when formal interstate ties are under increasing pressure from the international environment, regions and individual economic entities can contribute to maintaining an indivisible space of security and joint development, and provide economies with new sources of adaptation to external challenges and growth.
May 18, Wednesday
09:30 – 11:30
Open discussion on topical issues of the region
Open for live broadcast and media
The purpose of this session is to give experts an opportunity to assess the most important new areas of interaction between Russia and the countries of Central Asia within the framework of a free exchange of views and to identify those issues and problems that have not yet fully manifested themselves.