The serious decline in Russia’s relations with the West has breathed a new life into NATO, which returned to its traditional role, the containment of Russia. Moscow’s commitment to national interests and will to promote them reaffirmed in 2008 and 2014, in addition to the military modernization, which proved to be efficient. All of this is perceived as a challenge for NATO and, especially, the United States to respond to.
The latest NATO summits’ decisions aimed at increasing readiness and, countering the long-established trend, military personnel in Europe are intended to show determination. Is this really the case?
Can the latest US security initiatives like European Reassurance Initiative alter the balance of power in Europe, or is it just a political gesture? Does it ultimately pose a threat to Russia?
About the Author:
Prokhor Tebin in 2012 defended his Ph.D. thesis, titled "The Role and Place of Naval Strategy in US National Security Policy," at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.