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Ana Maria Cetto: What Role Can Be Played by Science Diplomacy in the Context of Confidence Crisis?

The Middle East and the Future of the Polycentric World. Presentation of the Valdai Club Report

The Middle East and the Future of the Polycentric World. Presentation of the Valdai Club Report

Opening and First Session of the 12th Middle East Conference (in English)

Opening and First Session of the 12th Middle East Conference (in English)

The Middle East and the Future of the Polycentric World. Presentation of the Valdai Club Report

On February 20, on the eve of the 12th Middle East Conference, the Valdai Discussion Club presented a report, titled “The Middle East and the Future of the Polycentric World.” 

The new reality in which the world has found itself over the past few years has shifted the focus of the world community from developments in the Middle East to other regions. The apparent calm in the region may be short-lived. Crises and conflicts in this part of the world have not disappeared and continue to develop.

Today, the question of the future of the region and its position in the world political system is quite acute. Some countries of the Middle East are becoming louder and louder; becoming more and more significant actors not only in the region, but also in the world. Within the region, there is an obvious trend towards polycentricism. The authors of the new report analysed intra-regional and global factors influencing the future of the Middle East and identified three possible scenarios for the development of the region. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of the current political, economic and humanitarian situation in the Middle East. Many of the issues raised in the report will be discussed at the Middle East Conference 2023.

What role will the Middle East play in international affairs in the coming decades? How likely is a new imbalance in the region? Can the confrontation between Russia and the West affect the conflict potential in the region? These and other issues were discussed during the presentation of the new Valdai Club report.


  • Vitaly Naumkin, Scientific Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (co-author of the report);
  • Vasily Kuznetsov, Head of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences (co-author of the report);
  • Yahya Zubir, Senior Fellow, Middle East Global Affairs Council (Qatar);
  • Çağrı Erhan, Rector, Altinbas University.


  • Andrey Bystritskiy, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for Development and Support of the Valdai Discussion Club.

Working languages: Russian, English.