MP, Chairman, Committee on Education and Science at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Dean at the School of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University; President of “Polity Foundation” and “Unity for Russia Foundation” think tanks; Chairman of the Executive Board at “Russkiy Mir” Foundation, Chairman of the Executive Board at the National Committee on BRICS Research.
Historian, political analyst, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Areas of expertise include political history of USA, international relations, geopolitics, political studies, history of Russia and contemporary Russian politics.
Author of more than 1000 publications, among which the following books: From Eisenhower to Nixon. History of the Republican Party in the USA; Republicans: from Nixon to Reagan; Iran-Contras Affair; Russian-American Relations: How to Achieve More; Wind of Change: Russia in the 90s; Molotov: The Youth; Collapse of Russia. 1917; The Russian Matrix; Modern World and Its Origins; Civilisation Code. What Awaits Russia in the Future World?; Molotov: Right Cause.