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Oleg Demidov
Russian Federation
Global Internet Governance and Cyber Security Consultant, PIR Center

Oleg Demidov graduated from the School of Public Administration at Moscow State University of Lomonosov in 2010. Currently, Oleg has been working on his Ph.D thesis at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University). In 2011-2012, he held the position of Project Coordinator at Center for Political and International Studies (CPIS) under the International Federation for Peace and Conciliation. Since 2012, he has served as an expert to the Commission on Information Security and Cybercrime at the Russian Association for Electronic Communications (RAEC). In 2013-2014, he held the position of Director of the Program International Information Security and Global Internet Governance at PIR Center. 

Since 2011 Oleg has been participating in the international project “A Twenty-First Century Concert of Powers” conducted by Frankfurt Peace Research Institute (PRIF) (through 2014). He is the author of a number of research articles on information security, cybersecurity, and global internet governance in PIR Center’s Security Index journal and other editions. Oleg serves as the Secretary of the Working Group on International Information Security and Global Internet Governance under PIR Center Advisory Board. In March 2014 Oleg became a member of the Research Advisory Network (RAN) under the Global Commission on Internet Governance (CGIG). PIR Center Advisory Board member since 2015.
