Reinhard Krumm

Head, Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (Vienna), Friedrich Ebert Foundation 

Dr. Reinhard Krumm got his MA in Russian History from the University of Hamburg (1989), and his PhD from Regensburg University (2003), where he is a lecturer on Russian History since 2007. He holds an honoree professorship from the department of Political Science at Moscow State University. He worked as a journalist in the former Soviet Union (1991–1998), being the Moscow correspondent of Der Spiegel magazine (1996–1998). He then joined the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, serving as the Head of the Regional Central Asian office in Tashkent/Uzbekistan (2003–2007), as the Head of the Russian office in Moscow (2007–2012) and as the Head of the Department of Central and Eastern Europe, Berlin (2012–2016). His latest publication is Europe´s Security Governance and Transatlantic Relations.
