A clearer picture emerges when we look at individual countries and regions of
the world. In the current voting, what is most striking is the complete
disparity in the positions of the EU member states. Belgium, France, Ireland,
Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Sweden voted for of the resolution.
Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Hungary voted against it, while the
rest abstained. In our opinion, this cannot be called anything other than a
failure of the mechanisms of the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. In the
above articles devoted to other votes in the UN General Assembly, we drew
attention to the fact that on the resolutions on Russia and Iran, all EU
members voted the same way, and the EU Common Foreign Policy worked perfectly
there. In the case of Israel, however, it stalled for some reason. Apparently,
this is a different situation.
The same can be said about NATO. In addition to EU members who are also NATO
members, Montenegro, Norway and Turkey supported the resolution, the US voted
against, Canada, the UK and others abstained. Again, in the case of the votes
on Russia and Iran, bloc discipline among the NATO members was clear, but in
the case of Israel it disappeared.
Now let’s take a look at how individual countries voted on the 28 resolutions
of the ordinary sessions of the UN General Assembly in 2021-22 and the three
most recent resolutions of the 10
th Extraordinary Session. It is
clear that the majority, and in almost all cases the overwhelming majority,
were in favour of the resolutions. Therefore, we will separately highlight
those countries that opposed, abstained or did not vote at all. Any of these
positions, with varying degrees of severity, can be called “pro-Israel.” On the
other hand, among those who spoke in favour, there are countries that not only
voted in this way, but also officially submitted these resolutions to the General
Assembly. They can be called (we repeat, simplistically and not always
accurately) “pro-Palestinian” ones. However, a sufficient number of countries
signed up for some resolutions and did not vote for others, again due to
political motives.
Israel voted against all (31) resolutions.
USA. Against: ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/122, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225,
76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76 /63, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10.
Abstained: 77/123, 77/38, 76/77, 76/20. Against: 27, total: 31.
Micronesia (a state associated with the United States, but a member of the UN).
Against ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126, 77/124,
77/122, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/80,
76/79, 76/78, 76/63, 76/12, 76 /11, 76/10. Abstained: 77/125, 77/123, 76/81,
76/77. Did not vote: 77/38, 76/20. Against: 25, total: 31
Marshall Islands (a state associated with the United States, but a member of
the UN). Against: ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126,
77/124, 77/122, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76/150, 76/82,
76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11, 76 /10. Abstained: 77/125, 77/123,
76/81, 76/77. Did not vote: 77/91, 77/38, 76/20. Against: 24, total: 31.
Cameroon. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187,
77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23,
77/22, 76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/ 78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/20,
76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Did not vote: 77/38. Total: 31.
Nauru. Against: ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126,
77/124, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23 , 77/22, 76/225, 76/150, 76/12, 76/10. Abstained:
77/125, 77/123, 77/26, 76/11. Did not vote: 77/122, 77/38, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80,
76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/20. Against: 16, total: 29.
Palau (a state associated with the United States, but a member of the UN).
Against: ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/187, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/225, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Abstained: ES-10/21, 77/208, 77/123,
76/150, 76/77. Did not vote: ES-10/20, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/122, 76/82,
76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78. Against: 14, total: 29.
Liberia. Against 77/247, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 76/82, 76/80.
Abstained: ES-10/20, 77/22. Did not vote. ES-10/21, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/38, 76/225, 76/150, 76/81, 76/79, 76/78,
76/77, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Against: 8, total: 28.
DR Congo. Against: 77/247. Did not vote: ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/208, 77/187,
77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/26, 77/25, 77/ 24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/20, 76/12,
76/11, 76/10. Against: 1, total: 28.
Rwanda. Abstained: ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/91, 77/26,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/ 225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78,
76/77, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Did not vote: ES-10/21, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123,
77/122. Total: 28.
South Sudan. Abstained: ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/187, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76/150, 76/12,
76/11, 76/10. Did not vote: 77/208, 77/91, 77/38, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79,
76/78, 76/77, 76/63. Total: 28.
Canada. Against 77/247, 77/187, 77/126, 77/124, 77/122, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25,
77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76 /82, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11,
76/10. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/125, 77/123, 76/81, 76/77.
Against: 20, total: 27.
Dominica. Did not vote ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125,
77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/38, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/ 12, 76/11, 76/10.
Total: 27.
Seychelles. Did not vote ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/ 26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/225, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10.
Total: 27.
Tonga. Against ES-10/21. Abstained 76/225, 76/150, 76/81, 76/80. Did not vote
ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123,
77/122, 77/91, 77/ 38, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/12, 76/11,
76/10. Against: 1, total: 26.
Papua New Guinea. Against ES-10/21, 77/247. Abstained ES-10/20, 77/187, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225,
76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Did not vote. 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78,
76/77. Against: 2, total: 25.
Tuvalu. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125,
76/12, 76/11. Did not vote 77/247, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/ 79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/10. Total: 25.
Guatemala. Against ES-10/21, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/12.
Abstained ES-10/20, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122,
77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 76/225, 76/82, 76/81, 76/78, 76/11, 76/10. Against: 7,
total: 24.
Kiribati. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/126, 77/125, 76/225,
76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/79, 76/ 77. Did not vote ES-10/20, 77/187, 77/26,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/78, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 24.
Australia. Against ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/26, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/12,
76/11, 76/10. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/19, 77/187, 77/125, 77/91, 77/25,
76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/79, 76/ 78, 76/63. Against: 10, total 23.
Solomon Islands. Against ES-10/20. Abstained ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/187,
76/225, 76/150. Did not vote 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/38,
76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/ 12, 76/11, 76/10. Against: 1,
total: 22.
Burundi. Abstained 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/26, 76/11, 76/10. Did not vote
ES-10/21, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76/82,
76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/20. Total: 22.
Central African Republic. Did not vote ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124,
77/123, 77/122, 77/26, 77/23, 76/ 82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63,
76/20, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 22.
Equatorial Guinea. Abstained ES-10/19. Did not vote 77/247, 77/208, 77/187,
77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76/ 82,
76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 22.
Eswatini. Abstained 77/26, 77/23, Did not vote ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19,
77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 76/225, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80,
76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 22.
Togo. Against ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247. Abstained 77/208, 77/187, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/26, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/225, 76/82, 76/81, 76/ 80,
76/79, 76/12, 76/11. Did not vote ES-10/21, 76/20. Against: 3, total: 21.
Madagascar. Abstained 77/126, 77/125, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80,
76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Did not vote ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122,
76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/20. Total: 20.
Malawi. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/208, 77/126, 77/125, 77/91,
77/26, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/ 82, 76/81, 76/80. Did not vote 77/187, 76/225,
76/150, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 20.
Samoa. Abstained ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125. Did not vote ES-10/21,
ES-10/19, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/
81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Total: 20.
Haiti. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 76/225, 76/82,
76/81, 76/80, 76/12, 76/11, 76/ 10. Did not vote ES-10/20, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24,
77/23, 77/22. Total: 18.
Uruguay. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/123, 77/122, 77/26,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/78, 76/77, 76/11, 76/10.
Total: 18.
Hungary. Against ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82,
76/80, 76/12, 76/10. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/91, 77/26, 76/63, 76/11.
Against: 11, total: 17. At the same time submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126
Czech Republic. Against ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/24, 77/23, 76/80, 76/12. Abstained
ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/126, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/22, 76/82, 76/63, 76/11,
76/10. Against: 6, total: 17. At the same time submitted 77/30 (consensus),
76/126 (consensus).
Vanuatu. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125,
76/225, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Did not vote 77/187, 77/124,
77/26, 77/23. Total: 17.
Panama. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/91,
77/26, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/81, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Total: 16.
Tanzania. Abstained 77/247, 77/122. Did not vote 77/126, 77/125, 77/124,
77/123, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/80, 76/12, 76/ 11, 76/10.
Total: 16. At the same time, Supported later ES-10/20.
Brazil. Against 77/23, 77/22, 76/80. Abstained 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124,
77/26, 77/25, 76/82, 76/81, 76/79, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Against: 3, total: 15.
Honduras. Against ES-10/19, 76/80. Abstained ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/125, 77/24,
77/23, 76/225, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81, 76/79, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Against: 2,
total: 15.
Myanmar (the current authorities of the country have not received recognition
from the UN of the powers of their delegation; the country continues to be
represented by the delegation of the previous government). Abstained: 77/247,
76/80. Did not vote: ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25, 76/225, 76/82, 76/81,
76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/12, 76/ 11, 76/10. Total: 15.
North Macedonia. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Did
not vote. 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/38, 77/26.
Total: 15. At the same time, submitted 76/126 (consensus) contributed,
supported 77/30 (consensus).
Fiji. Against ES-10/21. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125,
77/26, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 1, total: 13.
Rep. Congo. Did not vote ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/187, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23,
77/22, 76/150, 76/81, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 13.
Lithuania. Against 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20,
77/91, 76/150, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 4, total: 12. At the same
time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Croatia. Against ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/23. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/91,
77/26, 77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 3, total: 12. At the same
time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Romania. Against 77/247, 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/91,
77/26, 77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 2, total: 12. At the same
time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus) contributed.
Cote D'Ivoire. Abstained 77/247, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125, 77/91, 77/26, 77/23,
76/225, 76/81, 76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Total: 12.
Suriname. Did not vote 77/247, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122,
77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22. Total: 12.
United Kingdom. Against 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 76/80, 76/11. Abstained ES-10/21,
ES-10/20, 77/91, 77/22, 76/63, 76/12. Against: 5, total: 11.
Albania. Against 77/247, 77/23, 77/22. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/91,
76/80, 76/63, 77/26, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 3, total: 11. At the same time,
submitted76/126 (consensus) contributed, supported. 77/30 (consensus).
Germany. Against 77/247, 77/23, 77/22. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/91,
76/63, 77/26, 76/80, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 3, total: 11. At the same time,
submitted 77/124, 77/123, 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Denmark. Against 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/91, 77/26,
77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 1, total: 11. At the same time,
submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus), 76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Total
submitted: 5.
Netherlands. Against 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/91, 77/26,
77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 1, total: 11. At the same time,
77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus) were submitted.
Benin. Abstained ES-10/19. Did not vote ES-10/21, 77/247, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80,
76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/20. Total: 11.
Latvia. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/91, 77/26, 77/23,
77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Total: 11. At the same time, submitted 77/30
(consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Ukraine. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/26, 76/80, 76/12, 76/11. Did not vote ES-10/20,
ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/91, 77/23, 77/22. Total: 11.
Italy. Against 77/247, 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/91, 77/26,
77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Against: 2, total: 10. At the same time, submitted
77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
San Marino. Against 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/26, 77/22,
76/80, 76/12, 76/11. Did not vote. ES-10/19. Against: 1, total: 10. At the same
time, submitted 77/30 contributed (consensus), supported 76/126 (consensus).
Bahamas. Abstained ES-10/19. Did not vote 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/150, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 10. At the same time, submitted ES-10/21.
Georgia. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/91, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/63,
76/11. Did not vote ES-10/19. Total: 10. At the same time, submitted 76/126
(consensus), supported 77/30 (consensus).
Cape Verde. Abstained ES-10/21. Did not vote 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124,
77/123, 77/122, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 10.
Comoros. Did not vote 77/247, 77/208, 77/187, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123,
77/122, 77/91, 77/38. Total: 10. At the same time, submitted ES-10/21, 77/91,
76/63 were supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12,
76/11, 76/10. Total submissions: 12.
Monaco. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/91, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22,
76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Total: 10. At the same time, submitted 77/123, supported
77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Poland. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/91, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22,
76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Total: 10. At the same time, submitted 77/124, 77/123,
77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Austria. Against ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80. Abstained ES-10/20,
77/26, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 5, total: 9. At the same time, submitted 77/30
(consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Bulgaria. Against 77/23, 77/22. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/26,
76/80, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 2, total: 9. At the same time, submitted 77/30
(consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Slovakia. Against 77/23, 77/22. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/26,
76/80, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 2, total: 9. At the same time, submitted 77/30
(consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Estonia. Against 77/247, 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/91, 77/26, 77/22, 76/80,
76/63, 76/11. Against: 2, total: 9. At the same time, submitted 77/30
(consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Dominican Republic. Against 76/80. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/26,
77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11. Against: 1, total: 9.
Antigua and Barbuda. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Did not vote 77/247, 77/26,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80. Total: 9.
Guinea-Bissau. Did not vote ES-10/19, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122,
76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 9. At the same time, supported ES-10/20, 77/30
(consensus), 77/26, 77/25, 77/23. Total: 5.
Zambia. Abstained ES-10/21, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Did not
vote ES-10/19, 76/20. Total: 9.
Moldova. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Did not
vote ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Total: 9.
Somalia. Did not vote 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/24, 77/23,
77/22, 76/20. Total: 9. ES-10/21, 77/91, 76/63 contributed. Supported ES-10/19,
76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total entered: 7.
Paraguay. Against ES-10/21. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22,
76/80, 76/11. Against: 1, total: 8.
Slovenia. Against 76/80. Abstained 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/12, 76/11,
76/10. Against: 1, total: 8. At the same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus),
76/126 (consensus).
Ghana. Abstained ES-10/20, 77/247, 76/11. Did not vote 77/26, 77/25, 77/24,
77/23, 77/22. Total: 8.
Mexico. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11.
Total: 8.
Niger. Did not vote 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 76/225,
76/20. Total: 8.
France. Abstained 77/247, 77/91, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/11.
Total: 8. At the same time, submitted 77/124, 77/123, 77/30 (consensus), 76/126
Ecuador. Abstained 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/26, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/11.
Total: 8. At the same time, submitted 77/208, 76/150, supported ES-10/20,
ES-10/19. Total entries: 4.
South Korea. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80,
76/11. Total: 8. At the same time, submitted 76/126 (consensus), supported
77/30 (consensus).
Greece. Against 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11.
Against: 1, total: 7. At the same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126
Sweden. Against 77/23. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11.
Against: 1, total: 7. At the same time, submitted 77/124, 77/30 (consensus),
76/126 (consensus), 76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Total entered: 6.
Belgium. Abstained 77/91, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Total: 7.
At the same time, submitted 77/124, 77/123, 77/30 (consensus), 76/126
Bosnia and Herzegovina. Abstained ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80,
76/11. Total: 7. At the same time, contributed 76/150, 76/126 (consensus), sub.
77/30 (consensus).
Burkina Faso. Did not vote ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/125, 77/26, 76/80, 76/12,
76/11. Total: 7.
India. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/91, 77/23, 76/80, 76/63, 76/12. Total: 7.
Iceland. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total:
7. At the same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Cyprus. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/26, 76/80, 76/11. Did not vote
76/79. Total: 7. At the same time, submitted 77/124, 77/30 (consensus), 76/126
Luxembourg. Abstained 77/91, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/63, 76/11. Total:
7. At the same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Serbia. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total:
7. At the same time, submitted 76/126 (consensus).
Finland. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total:
7. At the same time, submitted 77/124, 77/123, 77/30 (consensus), 76/126
Japan. Abstained ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 7.
At the same time, submittedd 76/126 (consensus), supported 77/30 (consensus).
Kenya. Against 77/247. Abstained 77/126, 77/26, 76/12, 76/11. Did not vote
ES-10/19. Against: 1, total: 6. At the same time, I contributed 76/150.
Colombia. Against 76/80. Abstained ES-10/19, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/12.
Against: 1, total: 6.
Switzerland. Against 77/23. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11.
Against: 1, total: 6. At the same time, submitted 76/126 (consensus), supported
77/30 (consensus).
Andorra. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 6. At the
same time, supported 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Afghanistan (the UN delegation of the current authorities of the country has
not received the recognition of their powers; the country continues to be
represented by the delegation of the previous government). Did not vote 77/247,
77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22. Total: 6. At the same time, supported
ES-10/19, 77/30 (consensus).
Botswana. Did not vote. 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Only 6. At
the same time, submitted ES-10/21.
Timor-Leste. Abstained 76/80. Did not vote ES-10/19, 77/247, 77/91, 77/38,
77/23. Total: 6. At the same time, supported ES-10/21.
Spain. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 6. At the
same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Liechtenstein. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 6.
At the same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
New Zealand. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 6. At
the same time, submitted 76/126 (consensus).
Norway. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 6. At the
same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Saint Kitts and Nevis. Did not vote ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 76/12, 76/11,
76/10. Total: 6.
Montenegro. Abstained 77/247, 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 6. At
the same time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Philippines. Against 76/80. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/247.
Against: 1, total: 5.
Gabon. Did not vote ES-10/20, 76/225, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 5.
Djibouti. Did not vote 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122. Total: 5. At the
same time, submitted ES-10/21, 77/91, 76/63 contributed. Supported ES-10/20,
ES-10/19, 77/30 (consensus), 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10.
Total entries: 13.
Ireland. Abstained 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 5. At the same
time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Mongolia. Abstained 76/80. Did not vote ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/23, 77/22.
Total: 5.
Nigeria. Did not vote 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122. Total: 5.
Portugal. Abstained 77/26, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 5. At the same
time, submitted 77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus).
Sudan. Did not vote 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122. Total: 5. At the
same time, submitted ES-10/21, 77/91, 76/63, supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19,
77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/22. Total entered: 9.
Costa Rica. Against 77/247. Abstained 77/22, 76/80. Did not vote. 77/208.
Against: 1, total: 4. At the same time, submitted 76/150.
Argentina. Abstained ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/23, 76/80. Total: 4
Belarus. Abstained 77/247, 77/23, 77/22, 76/80. Total: 4. At the same time,
submitted 77/25, 76/10.
Guinea. Abstained 77/26, Did not vote 77/187, 77/38, 76/225. Total: 4. At the
same time, submitted 76/225 (on behalf of the Group of 77, but did not vote for
this resolution itself), supported ES-10/20, 77/25, 77/22, 76/12, 76/10. Total
entered: 6.
Grenada. Did not vote. 77/26, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total: 4.
Singapore. Abstained ES-10/20, 77/38, 77/23, 76/80. Total: 4.
Ethiopia. Abstained ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 76/80. Total: 4.
Chad. Against 77/208, 77/187. Did not vote 77/247. Against: 2, total: 3. At the
same time, supported ES-10/21.
Armenia. Abstained 77/23, 77/22, 76/80. Total: 3.
Malta. Abstained 77/26, 76/80, 76/11. Total: 3. At the same time, submitted
77/30 (consensus), 76/126 (consensus) contributed.
Russia. Abstained 77/23 (in 2021 there was no such resolution, in 2017-20
Russia also abstained on it); 77/22 (in 2021 there was no such resolution, in
2017-20 Russia also abstained on it); 76/80 (in 2022 there was no such
resolution, in 2017-20 Russia also abstained on it). Total: 3. As for the 10
th Extraordinary
session, Russia in its entire history voted for resolutions 18 times out of 20.
Abstained twice: on resolution ES-10/14 in 2003 on the transfer of the case of
Israel's construction of a wall against the Palestinians to the International
Court of Justice, as well as on resolution ES-10/3 in 1997. Russia was also
among the states that submitted UNGA current resolution ES-10/21. This is the
only case in the entire 10
th Extraordinary
Session, as well as in the 2021-22 data set reviewed, when Russia introduced a
Turkmenistan. Did not vote ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Total: 3.
Eritrea. Abstained 77/247, 77/24, 76/80. Total: 3.
Jamaica. Abstained ES-10/19, 76/80. Did not vote. ES-10/21. Total: 3.
Bhutan. Did not vote ES-10/19, 77/247. Total: 2.
Gambia. Did not vote 77/247, 77/26. Total: 2. At the same time, submitted
ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25, 77/23, 77/22, 76/126 (consensus),
76/10. Total: 9.
Lesotho. Abstained ES-10/19. Did not vote.76/80. Total: 2.
Nepal. Did not vote.77/247, 76/80. Total: 2.
Saint Lucia. Abstained ES-10/20. Did not vote.ES-10/19. Total: 2.
Sierra Leone. Did not vote.ES-10/19, 77/23. Total: 2. At the same time, sub.
Thailand. Abstained 77/247, 76/80. Total: 2.
Kazakhstan. Abstained 76/80. Total: 1.
Cambodia. Did not vote.ES-10/21. Total: 1.
Mozambique. Did not vote.76/150. Total: 1. At the same time, sub. ES-10/20,
77/30 (consensus).
Peru. Abstained 77/23. Total: 1.
El Salvador. Did not vote.ES-10/19. Total: 1. At the same time, submitted draft
resolution ES-10/21.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Did not vote 76/225. Total: 1. At the same
time, submitted ES-10/21.
Trinidad and Tobago. Abstained ES-10/19. Total: 1.
Uganda. Abstained ES-10/19. Total: 1. At the same time, submitted ES-10/21.
Uzbekistan. Did not vote 77/247. Total: 1. At the same time, supported
ES-10/20, ES-10/19.
Chile. Did not vote 77/25. Total: 1 At the same time, supported 76/150.
Venezuela did not vote in 2022-23; it was deprived of the right to vote in the
UN General Assembly for non-payment of dues. Before this, in ordinary
resolutions in 2021 and resolutions of the 10
th Extraordinary
Session in 2017-18, Venezuela always voted “for”. Venezuela also introduced
resolutions ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/26, 76/150, 76/82, 76/81,
76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/12, 76/11, supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 76/10.
A total of 17 were entered.
Other countries that introduced resolutions:
Egypt. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/208 (on behalf of the Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation), 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91 (on behalf of the
League of Arab States ), 77/38, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/150 (on
behalf of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76
/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63 (on behalf of the League of Arab States), 76/20,
76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 76/10. Total entries: 29.
Qatar. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/26
(which it didn’t vote for), 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63,
76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/10.
Total contributions: 25. Did not vote 77/26.
Palestine (observer at the UN, cannot vote, but can introduce draft
resolutions). ES-10/21, ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123,
77/122, 77/91, 77/25, 77/24, 77/ 23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78,
76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/19, 77/26, 76/10. Total entries:
Iraq. Submitted ES-10/21 (on which it abstained itself), 77/247, 77/126,
77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/23, 77 /22, 76/82, 76/81,
76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/30
(consensus), 77/24, 76/12. Total entered: 24. At the same time Abstained
Senegal. Submitted ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82 ( for which did not vote itself), 76/81,
76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/11, 76/10. Supported. ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/30
(consensus), 77/26, 76/12. Total contributions: 24. Did not vote 76/82.
Jordan. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/26,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63,
76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20. Total entries: 23.
Cuba. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 76/82, 76/81,
76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25,
77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/10. Total entries: 23.
Mauritania. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91,
77/26, 76/81, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20,
ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/10. Total entries: 23.
Tunisia. 77/247, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24,
77/23, 77/22, 76/82, 76/ 81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11.
Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Total entered: 22. At the same time, Abstained.
Lebanon. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91,
77/26, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22. Total entries: 21.
Saudi Arabia. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 77/91,
77/26, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19,
77/25, 77/24, 77/22, 76/10. Total entries: 21.
Brunei. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 76/79, 76/78,
76/77. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11,
76/10. Total entries: 19.
Namibia. ES-10/21, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80,
76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Supported ES-10/20, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22,
76/10. Total entries: 19.
Oman. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/91, 76/82, 76/81, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63,
76/11. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/10.
Total entries: 19.
Kuwait. ES-10/21, 77/91, 77/26, 76/82, 76/80, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77, 76/63,
76/12. Supported-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/11, 76/10.
Total entries: 18.
Indonesia. ES-10/21, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77. Supported
ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10.
Total entries: 17.
Algeria. ES-10/20, 77/247, 77/126, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/91, 77/26, 76/63,
76/12, 76/11. Supported ES-10/19, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22. Total entries:
Bahrain. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/91, 76/63. Supported ES-10/20,
ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total
entries: 16.
UAE. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/91, 76/63, 76/12. Supported ES-10/20,
ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/11, 76/10. Total entries: 16.
Bangladesh. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122. Subd. ES-10/20, ES-10/19,
77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total contributed: 15.
Morocco. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/91, 76/81, 76/63. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19,
77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total contributed: 15.
South Africa. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123, 77/122, 76/79, 76/78, 76/77.
Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/22, 76/10. Total
contributed: 15.
Bolivia. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/124, 77/123. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/26,
77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total entries: 14.
Yemen. ES-10/19, 77/91, 77/26, 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/63, 76/12, 76/11,
76/10. Supported ES-10/20. Total entries: 12.
Malaysia. ES-10/21. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19, 77/30 (consensus), 77/26,
77/22, 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total entered: 9.
North Korea. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/26, 76/150, 76/81, 76/11. Supported ES-10/19. Total
entered: 7.
Vietnam. Supported 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/12, 76/10. Total entered: 6.
Libya. ES-10/21, 77/91, 76/63. Supported ES-10/20 (on which it did not vote),
ES-10/19, 76/12. Total contributions: 6. No goal though. ES-10/20.
Nicaragua. ES-10/21, 77/125, 77/26. Supported 76/12, 76/11, 76/10. Total
entered: 6.
Laos. Supported 77/25, 77/24, 77/23, 77/22, 76/10. Total entered: 5.
Syria. 77/125, 77/26, 76/81, 76/11. Supported ES-10/19. Total entered: 5.
Pakistan. ES-10/21, 77/187 (from Group 77). Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Total
entries: 4.
Zimbabwe. ES-10/21. Supported ES-10/20, 77/22. Total entered: 3.
China. 77/187, 76/225. Supported ES-10/21. Total entered: 3.
Maldives. ES-10/21. Supported ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Total entered: 3.
Turkey. ES-10/21, ES-10/20, ES-10/19. Total entered: 3.
Azerbaijan. Supported ES-10/21, ES-10/20. Total entered: 2.
Angola. 76/126 (consensus), Supported 76/10. Total entered: 2.
Mali. 76/126 (consensus). Supported ES-10/19. Total entered: 2.
Belize. ES-10/21. Total entered: 1.
From the above statistics it is clear that during the current vote on ES-10/21,
many states have changed the approach towards resolutions on Israel which have
been developed in recent years.
The following countries have now voted “in favour of Israel” to a greater
extent than one might expect: India (previously in most cases it voted “for”,
now it abstains); Iraq (all previous times it was “for”, now for the first time
it abstained); Iceland (previously in favour in most cases, now abstains); Cape
Verde (previously it just didn’t vote on Israeli resolutions, now they abstain);
Cambodia (previously always voted “for”, now they don’t vote); Cyprus
(previously abstained quite rarely, now abstains); Papua New Guinea (previously
only once voted “against”, now also “against”); Paraguay (voted “no” for the
only time); Tonga (voted “no” for the only time); Tunisia (now for the first
time abstained); Turkmenistan (previously it was “for” 28 times out of 30, but
now it didn’t vote); Fiji (now voted “no” for the first time in the data reviewed);
Philippines (previously “for” in most cases, now it has abstained); Ethiopia
(previously, as a rule, voted “for”, now abstains); Jamaica (previously “for”
in 28 cases, now did not vote).
On the contrary, the following countries demonstrated a more pronounced
departure from direct support for Israel, compared to expectations: Australia
(previously voted against 10 times, but now abstained); The Bahamas (previously
they did not vote “for” 10 times, but now they are not only “for”, but also a
co-author of the resolution); Botswana (previously it did not vote “for” 6
times, but now not only “for”, but also a co-author of the resolution); Brazil
(previously 3 times against and a total of 15 times not in favour, now “for”); Britain
(previously “against” 5 times, now abstained); Honduras (previously “against”
twice and not “for” only 15 times, now “for”); DR Congo (previously 28 times
against, now “for”); Dominica (previously 27 times against, now “for”); Canada
(previously 20 times against, now abstained); Cote D’Ivoire (previously was not
“for” 12 times, now “for”); Liberia (previously “against” 8 times, did not vote
now); Lithuania (previously 4 times against, now abstained); Madagascar
(previously not “for” 20 times, now “for”); Malawi (also previously 20 times
not “for”, now “for”); Myanmar (previously 15 times not “for”, now “for”);
Palau (previously “against” 14 times, now abstained); Solomon Islands
(previously 22 times not “for” now “for”); CAR (previously 22 times not “for”,
now “for”); Chad (previously was twice against, now it is not only “for”, but
has also introduced a resolution); Equatorial Guinea (previously 22 times not
“for”, now “for”);
Of the countries that previously, based on the results of past votes, occupied
mainly a “pro-Palestinian” position, the following stands out: Azerbaijan
(always “for”, but now only for the second time has introduced a resolution);
Belize (always “for”, but now introduced a resolution for the first time);
China (always “for”, but this is only the third time it has introduced a
resolution); El Salvador (29 “for” out of 30 previous votes, now not only
“for”, but also a co-author of the resolution for the first time); Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines (29 “for” out of 30 previous votes, now “for” and
introducing a resolution for the first time) and Russia (27 “for” out of 30
previous votes, and now for the first time in the history of the 10th
Extraordinary Session and the practice of the last two years, it not only voted
“for”, but also signed the submission of the draft resolution.
That is, despite the rather moderate voting “score” for Israel, it should be noted, that it could have been better for Israel if those countries that most often supported it in the previous two years, would now do the same.