live broadcast

Valdai Club Presents Its Annual Report ‘History, To Be Continued: The Utopia of a Diverse World’

Valdai Club Presents Its Annual Report ‘History, To Be Continued: The Utopia of a Diverse World’

Sergey Lavrov on the causes of turbulence in modern international politics

Sergey Lavrov on the causes of turbulence in modern international politics

Struggling With Pandemics: How the World Is Composing Itself. Opening of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club and of the First Session

Struggling With Pandemics: How the World Is Composing Itself. Opening of the 17th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club and of the First Session

Sergey Lavrov on the causes of turbulence in modern international politics

The struggle of new growth centers faces the confrontation of Western states that are not used to sharing their privileged position in the international hierarchy. This causes turbulence in international politics, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on the presentation of the new Valdai club's annual report "Utopia of the diverse world: how history continues". The culture of dialogue and the culture of compromise and ability to listen to the partner in general is being lost, the minister said, adding that in such a situation it seems relevant to return to the basics of diplomacy and the search for common ground as never before.