Gulshan Sachdeva
Professor, Jean Monnet Chair at the School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and Editor-in-Chief, International Studies
Omar Sadr
Senior Researcher, Afghanistan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS)
Murad Sadygzade
President of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Guest lecturer at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, RANEPA, MGIMO Odintsovo
Ivan Safranchuk
Director, Senior Research Fellow, Center of Euro-Asian  Studies, IIS MGIMO University
Alexander Sagomonyan
Doctor of History and Professor
Seyed Mahmoud-Reza Sajjadi
Iranian ambassador to Russia (2009-2013)
Seyed Kazem Sajjadpour
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and President of the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS)
Vasil Sakaev
Associate professor, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Vijay Sakhuja
Director of Research at the Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi, India
Richard Sakwa
Professor of Russian and European Politics at the University of Kent at Canterbury.
Walid Salem
Director of the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Community Development
Marcel Salikhov
President of the Institute for Energy and Finance Foundation
Lyudmila Samarskaya
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Research Fellow at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, IMEMO RAS
Elias Samo
Adjunct Professorial Lecturer at the School of International Service (SIS), American University, Washington, DC
Sergey Samuilov
Head of the Center for US Foreign Policy Studies at the Institute of the USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Mehdi Sanaei
Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister of Iran, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Russia (2013–2019)
Ricardo Santos
Information Security and Cyber Law Expert from Mozambique
Giulio Sapelli
Professor of Economic History and Director of the post-graduate course on “Economy, enterprise and humanitarian disciplines between East and West, University of Milan; Socrates-Erasmus coordinator in University of Milan
Jacques Sapir
Director of studies at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, and head of the Centre d'Étude des Modes d'Industrialisation (CEMI-EHESS)

Alexei Sarabyev
PhD in History, Leading Recearch Fellow, Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor-in-Chief, “Religion and Society in the East” journal
Samir Saran
President of the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi
Sevak Sarukhanyan
Consultant, EDB Digital Initiatives Fund
Paul J. Saunders
Senior Fellow, US Foreign Policy Center for National Interest
Harold Saunders
Director of International Affairs at the Kettering Foundation, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
Alexander Savelyev
Head of the Strategic Research Department, Institute of the World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences
Alina Savelyeva
Assistant, Department of International Economics, School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs, Higher School of Economics
Nikita Savin
Lecturer, Postgraduate Student, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Giovanni Savino
Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, RANEPA
Ekaterina Savorskaya
Associate professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University
Emil Sayfullin
An employee of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, a RIAC expert.
Vladimir Sazhin
Senior Fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Hans-Henning Schröder
Head of the Russia/CIS Division at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Professor for East European History at Bremen University
Wolfgang Schüssel
Federal Chancellor of Austria (2000–2007); Chairman of DER-Dialog-Europe-Russia
Julian Schuster
Provost and Senior Vice President, Webster University
Herman Mark Schwartz
Professor, Department of Politics, University of Virginia, USA
Yoram Schweitzer
Senior Research Fellow, Head of the Program on Terrorism and Low Intensity Conflict at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS, Israel)
Randall Schweller
Professor of Political Science at Ohio State University
Patrick Seale
Writer, journalist, lecturer and consultant on Middle East affairs
Sergey Sebekin
Candidate of historical sciences, independent expert
Denis Sekirinsky
PhD in History; senior research fellow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences; secretary, National Committee of the Russian Historians; CEO, Academic Educational Association for the Humanities
Ori Sela
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Artyom Semenov
Deputy Director of the Higher School of Law, Academic Director of the HSE Programme "Business with China: Organisational, Legal, and Financial Support"
Kirill Semyonov
Head of the Islamic Studies Center at the Innovation Development Institute and expert on Russian International Affairs Council
Ninel Seniuk
Associate Professor at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Andrés Serbin
Chair of CRIES Academic Council
Andrei Serbin Pont
Director of CRIES (Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales), a Latin American and Caribbean think tank.
Sergey Serebrov
Senior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Yegor Sergeev
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of World Economy at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Regional Problems of World Politics, Faculty of World Politics, Moscow State University.
Victor Sergeev
Director of the Center for Global Issues, Institute for International Studies (IIS), MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia
Bruno Sergi
Bruno S. Sergi, PhD, teaches “International Economics” and “International Political Economy and Finance” at the University of Messina
Alexander Sergunin
Professor, Department of International Relations, School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University
Kirill Seroshtanov
Candidate of historical sciences, deputy head of the department for foreign economic relations and military-technical cooperation at the Novosibirsk Instrument-Making Plant joint-stock company
Alexey Shadrin
Founder of the Russian Carbon Fund and Evercity; Head of the Finance Working Group at the Climate Chain Coalition
Farid Shafiev
Chairman of the Board of the Center for International Relations Analysis (Azerbaijan).
Kriti M Shah
Junior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation
Salman Shaikh
Founder and CEO of The Shaikh Group (TSG)
Nayak Shailesh
Director, National Institute of Advanced Studies (Bengaluru)
Viktor Shakhmatov
Director of the Directorate of Digital Initiatives of the Eurasian Development Bank
Feng Shaolei
Director of Centre for Russian Studies; Director of Centre for Co-development with Neighboring Countries, East China Normal University
Jacob L. Shapiro
Founder and Chief Strategist of Perch Perspectives
Alexander Sharavin
Professor, Director of the Russian Institute of Political and Military Analysis
Sergei Shargunov
Writer; Journalist; Editor-in-Chief of the Free Press website
Pavel Sharikov
Director of the Center for Applied Research of the Institute of USA and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences
B.K. Sharma

Director of the United Services Institution (India)

Raj Kumar Sharma
Visiting Fellow, United Service Institution of India and Post Doc Fellow, Delhi School of Transnational Affairs, University of Delhi
Tatiana Shaumyan
Head, Center of Indian Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Alina Shcherbakova
Associate Professor at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, Head of the Iberoamerican Sector at HSE
Mohammad Reza Sheibani
Former Iranian Ambassador to Syria
Andrei Shelkovnikov
Expert, Centre for African Studies, HSE University
Thomas Sherlock
Professor of Political Science at the United States Military Academy, West Point.
James Sherr
Independent expert, former Associate Fellow, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)
Vladislav Shershulsky
Microsoft Technology Policy Director
Yevgeny Shestakov
Editor of the international politics desk at Rossiyskaya Gazeta
Maxim Shevchenko
One of the leading Russian journalists and experts on problems of ethno-cultural and religious policy
Marat Shibutov
Member of the National Council of Public Trust Under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sheng Shiliang
Senior Research Fellow, Global Challenges Studies, Xinhua News Agency
Nobuo Shimotomai
Professor, Hosei University (Japan)  
Lyubov Shishelina
Doctor of History, Head of the Section of Central and Eastern Europe Studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences
Pavel Shlykov
Associate Professor, Department of History of the Near and Middle East, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Nataliya Shok
Professor, Privolzhsky Research Medical University (PRMU), Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; member, American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH).
Alexander Shokhin
President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Vladimir Shubin
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute for African Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
Vinay Shukla
New Delhi based Journalist & Eurasia Analyst
Prabhat Shukla
Joint Director of Vivekananda International Foundation, former Ambassador of India to Russia
Vyacheslav Shuper
Doctor of Geography, Professor and Leading Researcher of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor at Bernardo O'Higgins University, Santiago, Chile.
Igor Shuvalov
Chairman of the State Development Corporation VEB.RF,  First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2018)
Gabi Siboni
Senior Researcher at the Institute for Strategy and Security in Jerusalem (Israel)
Igor Sid
Specialist in African culture and literature on Africa, Traveller
Marco Siddi
Montalcini Assistant Professor, University of Cagliari and Associate Senior Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs
Elizabeth Sidiropoulos
Chief Executive of the South African Institute of International Affairs
Archil Sikharulidze
Founder of the SIKHA foundation (Tbilisi, Georgia).
Nikolai Silaev
Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Caucasus Problems and Regional Security, MGIMO University
Dimitri Simes
Founder and ex-President of the Center for the National Interest (USA)
Konstantin Simonov
Director General of the National Energy Security Fund, Head of the Politology Department at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Gregory Simons
Independent expert
Abhijit Singh
Head of the Maritime Policy Initiative, Observer Research Foundation
Oksana Sinyavskaya
Deputy Director at the Institute for Social Policy, NRU HSE
Oleg Sirota
Head of the Union of Russian Cheese Makers, Farmer-Cheese Maker
Xu Sitao
Chief Economist, Partner of Deloitte China
Lord Robert Skidelsky
Member of the House of Lords; Emeritus Professor of Political Economy at Warwick University; Fellow of the British Academy
Andrey Skriba
Research fellow, Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Randa Slim
Director of the Track II Dialogues initiative at the Washington-based Middle East Institute
Andrew Small
Senior Transatlantic Fellow, Asia program, German Marshall Fund of the United States
Robert Smigielski
Analyst with the Polish Institute of International Affairs
Veronika Smirnova
Research Assistant, CCEIS HSE
Vitaly Smyshlyaev
Expert of the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Enrico Soddu
Head of Data & Analytics, International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds
Artyom Sokolov
Research Fellow, MGIMO University
Vladimir Sokolov
Associate Professor at the International College of Economics and Finance, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Boris Sokolov
Junior Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) of the Higher School of Economics; graduate student at the Faculty of political science of Saint Petersburg State University
Yulia Sokolshchik
Program Coordinator, Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC)
Lev Sokolshik
Research Fellow: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs/ Centre for Comprehensive European and  International Analysis Studies (CCEIS)
Theo Sommer
Editor at Large, German newspaper Die Zeit
Jeffrey Sommers
Professor, and Senior Fellow at the Institute of World Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Nabi Sonboli
Senior expert at the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), Iran.
Konstantin Sonin
Professor and vice president of the New Economic School
Rakesh Sood
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Distinguished Fellow at ORF
Vladimir Sotnikov
Director of the Russia-East-West Center for Strategic Studies and Analysis
Vitaly Sovin
Independent analyst, sanctions policy expert
Hans-Joachim Spanger
Head of Research Department, Leibniz Institute Peace Research Institute Frankfurt; Research Professor, National Research University-Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Claire Spencer
Head of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Programme at the foreign policy institute Chatham House
Philip Spoerri
Head of Delegation in Syria, International Committee of the Red Cross
Felix Stanevsky
Head of the Caucasus Department, Institute for CIS Countries; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, former Russia ambassador to Georgia
Maxim Starchak
Research Fellow, Center for International and Defense Policy, University of Queens (Canada), Deputy Executive Editor, Eurasian Security Studies journal (Japan), Visiting Fellow, Institute for Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
Jonathan Steele
Independent International Affairs Commentator
Dmitry Stefanovich
Researcher at the Center for International Security at IMEMO RAS
Pyotr Stegniy
Member, Russian Council on International Affairs (RCIA); Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; DSc in History
Aaron Stein
Director of the Middle East program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute
Angela Stent
Director, Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies, Georgetown University
Ilya Stepanov
Intern Researcher, Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, National Research University "Higher School of Economics"
Anastasia Stepanova
Head of the Committee for Cooperation with China and BRICS, Eurasian Business Association (EAAB)
Gábor Stier
Foreign policy senior analyst at Hungarian conservative daily Magyar Nemzet
Ilya Storchilov
Student of the Master's program "Strategic and Arms Control Studies", St. Petersburg State University
Kancho Stoychev
President of Gallup International Association
Irina Strelnikova
Associate Professor, Research Fellow at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Dmitry Streltsov
Head of the Department of Oriental Studies of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) at the Foreign Ministry
Oliver Stuenkel
Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in Sao Paulo, where he coordinates the Sao Paulo branch of the School of History and Social Science (CPDOC) and the executive program in International Relations
Alexander Stukalin
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Kommersant Daily
Michael Stürmer
Chief Correspondent, WELT-Gruppe, Berlin
Yudi Subiantoro
Lecturer at the Department of Military History, Faculty of Defence Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defence University (RIDU)
Maxim Suchkov
Director of the Institute for International Studies at MGIMO University, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied International Analysis at MGIMO University; Non-resident Scholar, Conflict Resolution and Track II Dialogues Program, Middle East Institute
Vladimir Sudarev
Professor of MGIMO University, expert on Latin America
Brig. Gen. Sudaryono
Lecturer at Faculty of Defence Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defence University
Rudi Sukandar
Senior Researcher, The Habibie Center; Senior Lecturer, London School of Public Relations
Nikolai Sukhov
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)
Bulat Sultanov
Director of the Research Institute of International and Regional Cooperation at the Kazakh-German University
Viktor Sumsky

Doctor of Science (History), ASEAN Center at MGIMO University

Elena Suponina
Head of Asia and Middle East Center of the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
Nikolay Surkov
Assistant Professor with the Moscow-based MGIMO University Oriental Studies Department
Andrey Sushentsov

Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club; Dean of the School of International Relations at MGIMO University

Joko Susilo
Joko Susilo, participant in the Valdai – New Generation project, knowledge manager at Nalar Institute (Indonesia).
Dmitry Suslov
Deputy Director at the Center for Comprehensive European and International Studies, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Vyacheslav Sutyrin
Director of the Centre for Scientific Diplomacy and Advanced Academic Initiatives, MGIMO
Vsevolod Sviridov
Expert, Centre for African Studies, HSE University
Dmitry Sychev
Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Professor
Leonid Sykiainen
Professor, School of General and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Anna Sytnik
Associate Professor of the Department of American Studies, Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University