Sergei Rabei
Research Fellow at the Centre for Indian Studies, Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Itamar Rabinovich
President of the Israel Institute, Ambassador of Israel to the United States (1993–1996)
Jean Radvanyi
Geographer, Director of the French-Russian Research Center in Moscow, author of the Atlas gйopolitique du Caucase (in French), Edition Autrement, Paris 2010
Naysan Rafati
Iran analyst, International Crisis Group
P.S. Raghavan
Chairman, National Security Advisory Board, India
Connie Rahakundini Bakrie
Professor of St Petersburg State University, Department of international relations
Alexander Rahr
Research Director, German-Russian Forum
Jordi Raich Curcó
Head of the Regional Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Mexico (also responsible for Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador).
Kubatbek Rakhimov
Executive Director of the Applicata — Center for Strategic Solutions Public Foundation (Kyrgyzstan)
Aleksandar Raković
Principal Research Fellow, Institute for Recent History of Serbia, Belgrade
Varanasi Ram Madhav
Founding Member of the Governing Council of India Foundation
Samuel Ramani
Doctoral candidate in International Relations at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford.
Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy
Ambassador, Former Senior Undersecretary at the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, UN Assistant Secretary General
Slawomir Raszewski
Research Associate at the European Centre for Energy and Resource Security (EUCERS) in the Department of War Studies, King’s College London
Lana Ravandi-Fadai
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
Dmitry Razumovsky
Acting Director of the Institute for Latin American Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2020–2023)
Olga Rebro
Expert, MGIMO Institute for International Studies
Hamadi Redissi
Professor of Political Science, at the Institut d’Etudes Avancées in Nantes, France
Ernest Reid
Political analyst, Postgraduate Researcher at Aston University, Guest Expert at RIAC
Roman Reinhardt
Associate Professor at the Department for Diplomatic Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Foreign Ministry (MGIMO University)
Ulrike Reisner
freelance political analyst, lecturer & journalist, based in Vienna, Austria, PICREADI expert
Daria Rekeda
Director of the Information and Analysis Centre for Sociopolitical Processes in the Post-Soviet Space and Editor-in-Chief of the information and analysis website about Central Asia
Sergey Rekeda
Associate Professor, Base Department of Eurasian Economic Integration, Institute of Law and National Security, RANEPA, under the President of the Russian Federation
Director of the Centre for the Study of Integration Prospects.
Thomas Remington
Goodrich C. White Professor of Political Science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Foreign Secretary and Defence Secretary of the United Kingdom between 1992-1997
Andreas Rinke
Chief Correspondent Foreign Affairs,“Handelsblatt”
Geoffrey Roberts
Emeritus Professor of History at University College Cork and a Member of the Royal Irish Academy
Kirill Rogov
Senior Researcher, the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, Moscow
Sergei Rogov
Director of the Institute for US and Canadian Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences
Jon Rogowski
Associate Professor in the Department of Government at Harvard University. His research and teaching focuses on the American presidency, the separation of powers, and political representation.
Alexander Rogozhin
Head of the Sector for Socio-Economic Problems of the Center for Development and Modernization Studies, IMEMO, RAS
Dana Rohrabacher
Representative (R-Ca), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats
Matthew Rojansky
Deputy Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, Carnegie Endowment
Lila Roldán Vázquez
Advisory Member and Director of Eurasian Contemporary Studies at the Argentine Council for Foreign Affairs (CARI)
Roman Romanov
Ph.D. fellow at the Russian State University for the Humanities
Tatiana Romanova
Associate Professor, European Studies Chair, Saint-Petersburg State University
Carlos Ron
Venezuela’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America and President of the Simon Bolivar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples
Olivier P. Roqueplo

PhD history and political sciences, National French Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations, Sorbonne

Flemming Rose
Writer and Journalist, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute
Nir Rosen
Syria and Iraq advisor at the Humanitarian Dialogue Centre
John Ross
Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China.
Dmitry Rozental
Ph.D., Deputy Director,  Institute of Latin America, RAS
Michael Rubin
resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC
Michael Rubin
Resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and senior lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School
Yuri Rubinsky
Professor at the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics and Head of the Center for French Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for European Studies
Kevin Rudd
Prime Minister of Australia (2007-2010, 2013); President, Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI)
Claudio Ruff Escobar
Rector of Bernardo O’Higgins University, Chile.
Urban Rusnák
Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat
John Russell
Professor of Russian and Security Studies, University of Bradford, United Kingdom
Natalia Rutkevich
PhD in Philosophy, journalist
Sergey Ryazantsev
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Center of Social Demography and Economic Sociology at the Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS, Professor of the Department of Applied International Analysis at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), Russia
Mikhail Rykhtik
Professor, Chair, Department of Theory of Politics, Deputy Dean for International Activities, School of International Studies, University of Nizhniy Novgorod
Vladimir Ryzhkov
Professor, Higher School of Economics. Member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy
Gulmira Rzayeva
Research Associate at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), Advisor at World Energy Council's Global Gas Center based in Geneva and founder and Managing Director of Eurasia Analytics, the energy consulting company, based in London, the UK.