Zachary Paikin
Senior Researcher in the International Security Dialogue Department at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP)
Konstantin Pakhalyuk
Lecturer at MGIMO University, Chief Specialist and Supervisor on Educational Projects at the Russian Military History Society
Kamaran Palani
Research Fellow at Middle East Research Institute ( MERI). PhD student, Leiden University. Lecturer in IR, Salahaddin University-Erbil
Ella Pamfilova
Commissioner on Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Nikita Panin
Expert, Centre for African Studies, HSE University
Viktoria Panova

Candidate of Sciences in History, Vice-Rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Head of the BRICS Russian Expert Council, Sherpa of the Russian Federation in the Women’s Twenty (W20)

Konstantin Pantserev
PhD in political science, Professor, St. Petersburg State University. Director of the International Center of African Studies.
Petros Papaconstantinou
International affairs editor, Kathimerini newspaper, Athens, Greece
Aditya Pareek
Research Analyst with the Takshashila Institution, India
Daniil Parenkov
Researcher at the Center for European Studies, IMI, Deputy Head of the Department of Political Theory, MGIMO.
Lidiya Parkhomchik
Expert at the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy
Stewart Patrick
Senior Fellow and Director of the Program on International Institutions and Global Governance, Council on Foreign Relations (Washington, USA)
Amanda Paul
Senior Policy Analyst at the EPC
Thomas Paulsen
Member of the executive board of Körber-Stiftung in Hamburg
Nikolai Pavlov
Professor, Department of European and American Studies, MGIMO University; Member of the Central Board, Russia-Germany Society; Member of the Joint Commission for the Study of the Recent History of Russian-German Relations
Gleb Pavlovsky
Russian political analyst and journalist
Vladimir Pechatnov
Professor and Head of the Department of European and American Studies at Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Eduardo Pedrosa
Secretary General of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council

John Peet
European Editor, The Economist
Charles Pennaforte
Professor, Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Research Group CNPq Geopolitics and Mercosur (GeoMercosul) , Laboratory of Geopolitics, International Relations and Antisystemics Movements (LabGRIMA)
Evgeniy Perevodchikov
Assistant Professor, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
Francis Perrin
Chairman of Stratégies et Politiques Energétiques (SPE)
Wolfgang Petritsch
Member of the Board of the Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue and former High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary
Nicolai N. Petro
Professor of political science, University of Rhode Island
Goran Petronijević
President of the Center for the Restoration of International Law
Vladimir Petrovsky
Researcher, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences
Friedbert Pflüger
Prof. Dr. Pflüger teaches climate and energy policy at CASSIS, University of Bonn.
Emanuel Pietrobon
Geopolitical analyst, political consultant and author from Italy. He specializes in geopolitics, hybrid warfare, Latin America and Post-Soviet space. He lived, carried out research and worked in several countries across Eurasia, including Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Russia. He worked at European Commission.
Steven Pifer
Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy and a retired U.S. Foreign Service officer
Aleksey Pilko
PhD in History, Associate Professor, Faculty of World Policy, the Moscow Lomonosov State University
Stefano Pilotto
Historian, Professor of International Relations at University of Trieste and MIB Trieste School of Management
Alexander Pilyasov
Director, Center of the North and Arctic Economy, state research institution Council for the Study of the Productive Forces, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Russian Academy of Sciences
Huang Ping
Vice President of the China Association for Hong Kong and Macao Studies (CASS), former Director General of the Institute of American Studies, and Director of the Centre for World Politics, both at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He has a PhD in Sociology from the London School of Economics. Member of the Advisory Board of the CITIC Group.
Richard Pipes
Professor of History, Emeritus, Harvard
Natalia Piskunova
Associate Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University, World Politics Department
Rieke Diah Pitaloka
Member of the Indonesian Parliament, Indonesian Archives Ambassador
Alexander Pivovarenko
Ph.D. in History, Senior Research Associate, Department of Contemporary History of Central and Southeast Europe, RAS Institute of Slavonic Studies.
Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz
Permanent Representative of Germany at the NATO Council (1989–1993), Ambassador to the UK (1999–2002) and the Russian Federation (2002–2005)
Mikhail Pogrebinsky
Political Scientist; Political Technologist; Director, Kiev Centre of Political Studies and Conflictology
Dmitry Poletaev
Leading researcher at the Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of Migration Research Centre
Dmitry Polyakov

Specialist in Arab studies, researcher at the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

William Pomeranz
Deputy Director of the Kennan Institute, a part of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars located in Washington, D.C.
Natalya Pomozova
Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities, Leading Researcher at the Centre for Comprehensive Economics and Management at the Higher School of Economics
Eduard Ponarin
Director of the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) of the Higher School of Economics; Professor, Department of Sociology, Higher School of Economics
Nicu Popescu
Senior analyst at the EU Institute for Security Studies in Paris
Vladimir Popov
Doctor of Economics, advisor to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA)
Veniamin Popov
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, analyst of the Institute for International Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
Nikita Potashev
Assistant, CCEIS HSE
Olga Potemkina
Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the European Integration studies, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State University
William C. Potter
Director, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies and Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar Professor of Nonproliferation Studies, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey.
Pavel Pozhigailo
President of the Fund for the Study of Stolypin’s Heritage
Yauheni Preiherman
Director of the Minsk Dialogue Council on International Relations
Yevgeny Primakov
Yevgeny Primakov (1929 – 2015). Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and President of the Mercury Club
Cyril Prinsloo
Researcher on Economic Diplomacy at the South African Institute of International Affairs
Stanislav Pritchin
Research fellow at the Center for Central Asia and Caucasus Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Giorgio Prodi
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Ferrara University, Italy
Alexander Prokhanov
Editor-in-Chief, Zavtra newspaper
Egor Prokhin
Research Fellow, CCEIS HSE
Irina Prokhorenko
Head of the sector of international organizations and global political regulation, IMEMO RAS, Professor of the Faculty of World Politics of the Moscow State University
Irina Prokofyeva
Associate Professor at the Department of Indo-Iranian and African Languages, MGIMO University
Elena Pronkina
Postgraduate Student, Department of Socio-Cultural Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities
Dušan Proroković
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of International Politics and Economics (Belgrade)
Liliana Proskuryakova
Deputy head of the Laboratory for Science and Technology Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ruslan Pukhov
Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), Member of the Public Council under the Russian Defense Ministry
Uma Purushothaman
Assistant professor of international relations at Central University of Kerala, India
Alexei Pushkov
Chairman of the State Duma Foreign Affairs Committee
Anastasia Pyatachkova
Researcher at National Research University Higher School of Economics
Andrei Pyatakov
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Political Studies, Institute of Latin America, Russian Academy of Sciences