Bruno Maçães
Senior Advisor, Flint Global (London), Minister of European Affairs of the Portuguese Republic (2013-2015)
Roderick Macfarquhar
Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale University, member of the Working Group of U.S.–Russia Relations
Anna Machina
Candidate of Sociology Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Support for Foreign Policy, Faculty of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sebastiano Maffettone
Dean of Political science and Professor of Political philosophy at LUISS- Guido Carli University, Rome
Zvi Magen
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel Aviv University      
Arbakhan Magomedov
Professor, D.Sc. (Political Science), Head of the Public Relations Chair, Ulyanovsk State University (Russia)
Rasigan Maharajh
Chief Director of the Institute for Economic Research on Innovation at the Tshwane University of Technology (South Africa)
Ahmed Majdalani
Member of the Executive Committee of The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Secretary General of The Palestinian Popular Struggle Front
Guzel Majtdinova
Doctor of History, Professor at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy at Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University
Gleb Makarevich
Deputy Head, Centre for the Indian Ocean Region Studies, IMEMO RAS
Christian Makarian
Political writer, deputy editor of L’Express
Valentin Makarov
President of Russoft non-commercial partnership
Igor Makarov
Head of the School of World Economy and Laboratory for Economics of Climate Change at the Moscow-based Higher School of Economics
Ekaterina Makarova
Lecturer, International Economics Department, Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, Higher School of Economics
Rustam Makhmudov
Political analyst, Uzbekistan
Konstantin Makienko
Deputy Director of the Centre for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST), member of the expert council under the Russian State Duma defense committee
Hossein Malaek
Senior research fellow, IPIS, former ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the People’s Republic of China
Alexei Malashenko

Chief Researcher, Dialogue of Civilizations Institute
Olga Malashenkova
Deputy Dean for Research of the School of International Relations, Belarusian State University
Lauri Mälksoo
Professor of International Law at the University of Tartu (Estonia)

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
Former UN Deputy Secretary General (2006)
Daria Malyutina
Research Assistant at the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS), National Research University Higher School of Economics
Ruslan Mamedov
Research Director of The Evgeny Primakov Center for International Cooperation; Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies, RAS
Nina Mamedova
Chair of the Iran Section, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Associate Professor at the Department of World Economy, MGIMO University
Gulnara Mammadzadeh
Director of the Expert Council of the Baku Center for International Politics and Security
Mikhail Mamonov
Director for Support of State Programmes and International Activities at Russian Post
Gerhard Mangott
Professor on International Relations, Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck
Valence Maniragena
Senior Lecturer at St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University and St. Petersburg State University
Jeffrey Mankoff
Visiting Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C.
Robert A. Manning
Resident Senior Fellow, Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security
Hendra Manurung
Lecturer at the Department of Military History, Faculty of Defence Strategy, Republic of Indonesia Defence University (RIDU)
Seyed Mohammad Marandi
Associate Professor of English Literature and Orientalism, University of Tehran
Raffaele Marchetti
Professor of International Relations, LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome
Mikhail Margelov
Vice-President of OAO "AK" Transneft "
Adlan Margoev
Research Fellow, Institute of International Studies, MGIMO
Thierry Mariani
French politician and Member of the National Assembly of France
Alexander Markarov
Head of the international cooperation directorate, Yerevan State University. Director of the Armenian branch of the Institute of CIS countries
Sergey Markedonov
Leading Researcher at the MGIMO Institute of International Studies
Sergei Markov
Deputy of the State Duma of Russia; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma’s Committee on Public Associations and Religious Organizations; Chairman of the National Civic Council on International Affairs; Member of the Public Chamber of Russia
Franz J. Marty
Fellow of the Swiss Institute for Global Affairs & freelance journalist
Boris Martynov
Head of Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Russia, MGIMO University
Dmitry Maryasis
Head of the Department of Israel, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexander Maryasov
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Iran (2001-2005)
Andrey Maslov
Director, Centre for African Studies, HSE University
Alexey Maslov

Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University

Elena Maslova
Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at MGIMO; Senior Researcher at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Jack Matlock
Former American ambassador to the USSR; Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA Faculty) Columbia University
Igor Matveev
Associate Professor, Department of International Relations and Foreign Policy, School of International Relations, MGIMO University
Vladimir Mazyrin
Head of the Center for the Study of Vietnam and ASEAN, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the Institute of Asian and African Studies of Moscow State University,
Thabo Mbeki
President of the Republic of South Africa (1999-2008)
Janet Mcbride
Reuters Editor, Political and General News Europe, Middle East and Africa
Bruce W. McConnell
Senior Vice President, EastWest Institute
Tara McCormack
Lecturer, Postgraduate Research Tutor for Politics and IR, University of Leicester
Roger Neil Mcdermott
Senior Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation
Lawrence McDonnell
Managing Director at McDonnell & Partners, Former BBC Moscow Correspondent
Michael McFaul
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation
John Mearsheimer
Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago
Stefan Meister
Head of Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia, German Council on Foreign Relations
Elena Melkumyan
Doctor of political studies, Russian State Humanitarian University, specialist on the Persian Gulf region
Yuriy Melnikov
Senior Analyst, Energy Centre, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Julia Melnikova
Program Manager, RIAC
Svetlana Melnikova
Research fellow at the Center for Energy Market Studies of the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Francine Mestrum
President of Global Social Justice, Member of CETRI (Centre Tricontinental) Board of Directors, Brussels, Belgium
Thierry Meyssan
French journalist and political activist
Nikolay Mezhevich
Chief Researcher at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, President of the Association for Baltic Studies
Boris Mezhuev
Political scientist; Assistant professor, Department of Philosophy, Moscow State University; Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Izvestia newspaper
Kobi Michael
Senior Research Fellow at the National Security Institute in Tel Aviv and Senior Research Fellow at the Misgav Institute,
Vera Michlin-Shapir
Neubauer Research Associate at INSS
Adam Michnik
Editor-in-chief, Gazeta Wyborcza; historian
Fabiano Mielniczuk
Professor of Political Science at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He teaches at the Graduate Program in International Strategic Studies and is a research member of NEBRICS . His areas of interest are Political Theory and Theory of International Relations, Critical Security Studies, International Relations of Russia, the Space of the Former USSR and Europe and BRICS
Joseph Mifsud
Professor, Director of the London Academy of Diplomacy
Philippe Migault
Senior Research Fellow at The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS)
Andranik Migranyan
Public figure; Political scientist; Director, Institute for Democracy and Cooperation, the New York City Branch
Barah Mikaïl
Senior Researcher on the Middle East and North Africa at FRIDE
Grigory Mikhailov
Editor-in-chief of the Logistan project, expert on Central Asia.
Alexey Mikhalev
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Director of the Centre for the Study of Political Transformations (Ulan-Ude)
Sergei Mikheyev
General Director of the Center for Current Politics
Sergey Mikhnevich
Ph.D., Executive Secretary, Member of the Presidium of the Business Council of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Managing Director of the Department of International Multilateral Cooperation and Integration of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP)
Klaus Milke
Chairman of the Steering Group of the international platform "Foundations20"  
Leszek Miller
Leader of the Democratic left Alliance
Alexei Miller
Professor of the European University in St. Petersburg. 

Vladimir Milovidov
Dean, Department of International Finance, MGIMO; Head of the Centre for Socio-Economic Studies, Russian Institute for Strategic Studies
Jia Min
Associate Professor, Research fellow at the Center for Russian Studies, Dean Assistant of Co-development with Neighboring Countries, East China Normal University (Shanghai, PRC)
Sergey Minasyan
Dr, SCi, Political Science, Deputy Director of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan
Yevgeny Minchenko
President and Chief Executive Officer of MINCHENKO CONSULTING Communication Group
Nicodemus Minde

Senior Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Zhang Ming
Special Research Fellow, Center for Sino-Russian Strategic Cooperation, CITIC Foundation for the Study of Reform and Development, Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Duan Minnong
Graduate student of School of International Studies, Renmin University of China
Sergey Mironenko
Former Director, State Archives of the Russian Federation; Professor, Chair of Russia's history of XIX - early XX century, History Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Georgy Mirsky
Georgy Mirsky (1926-2016) - Professor, Institute of World Economy and International Relations
Rupal Mishra
Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Tatyana Mitrova
Head of the Center for the Study of World Energy Markets at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Energy Research, Head of Global Energy at Skolkovo Energy Centre
Ali Naser Mohamed
Former President of Yemen, Head of the Arab Center for Strategic Studies
Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou
Deputy Director and Academic Dean of the Geneva Center for Security Policy and Adjunct Professor at the Graduate Institute in Geneva
C. Raja Mohan
Visiting Research Professor, Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), National University of Singapore (NUS)
Arun Mohanty
Professor and Chairperson, Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi, India (1954 – 2018 )
Darya Moiseeva
Senior Research fellow at IMEMO RAS
Andy Mok
Senior Research Fellow, Center for China and Globalization (Beijing, China)
Irina Molodikova
Research Fellow, Project on Migration and Security in the Post-Soviet Space, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Andrew Monaghan
Director of Research on Russia and Northern European Defense and Security, Oxford Centre on the Changing Character of War, Pembroke College
Igor Morozov
Russian politician, a member of the Federation Council of the Ryazan Oblast (since 2012)
Nodar Mosaki
Ph.D. in History, senior research fellow at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Orietta Moscatelli
Columinst for the geopolotical review Limes; Foreign Affairs Desk Chief at multimedia agency Askanews
Mathias Mossberg
Ambassador, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Middle East Studies (CMES), Lund University
Dmitry Mosyakov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Center for the Study of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, Member of the Academic Council of the RAS Institute of Oriental Studies
Seyed Rasoul Mousavi
Advisor for Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Former Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Finland
Seyed Hossein Mousavian
Head of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran (1997-2005), a research fellow at Princeton University (USA)
Philani Mthembu
Executive Director at the Institute for Global Dialogue, South Africa
Raza Muhammad
Major General (Retd), President of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute.
Anita Mujumdar
Junior Research Fellow, Center for Sanctions Policy Expertise, Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University
Asoke Mukerji
Distinguished Fellow, Vivekananda International Foundation
Nail Mukharyamov
Director, Institute of Mass Communications and Social Sciences, Kazan Federal University
Alexei Mukhin
Director General of the Centre for Political Information
Abhijit Mukhopadhyay

Senior Fellow with ORF’s Economy and Growth Programme

Rein Müllerson
President, Institut de Droit International in Geneva (2013–2015)
Azam Muradov
Leading specialist-expert of the economic department at the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Finland, RIAC expert
Nikolay Murashkin
Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Asia of the Griffith University (Australia)
Arina Muresan
Senior Researcher at the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD), associated with UNISA