The only positive outcome of the coronavirus pandemic was the rapid self-cleansing of the environment. Emissions from factories ceased as they were shut down and there was lighter traffi c, resulting in better air quality. This has been corroborated by satellite images and meteorological monitoring data in many countries. Then, river water got cleaner.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a spike in interest in the concept of a global risk society which boils down to the idea that as the complexity of the man-made and social ties in the human community and the imbalance of its system increase, so does the risk of various disasters (climatic, environmental, man-made, medical, or others). Moreover, problems and disasters in a risk society become the rule rather than the exception.
Initially, the concept of a global risk society largely applied to climatic andenvironmental challenges, since the interaction between human beings and nature was primarily distinguished by the above-mentioned systemic imbalance. Thus, the concept can promote the development of a global climate agenda in the post-coronavirus world.