Fear and panic are the basic characteristics of the Consumer – the first human being whose identity comes from the future, writes Valdai Club expert Kancho Stoychev. The Consumer is responsible only for his future choices as a buyer of future identities. His power is unlimited because it’s that power which drives the growth of the capital. This historical creature wants to live better than himself and the only limit in his absurd aspiration is the limit of his body. That’s how the body becomes the goal, the supreme essence of life.
We, humans, have always been proud that our main difference and advantage leading to supremacy over the animal world lays in our heads, not in our bodies. Our causal rationality makes us what we are. We are minds, we are beliefs, we are virtual, we are time and space, we are spiritual...
Covid-19 or the new old SARS changes completely the above. Now we are only bodies, we are the guardians of our bodies and especially of a specific one – our own. My body is my fortress but my fortress is not mine – it belongs to the doctor. Not to a specific one but to a collective, global one. In history the shaman always was a concrete person, now it’s a guild. And when a guild is entitled to protect a cult we normally deal with the phenomenon of religion.
The Covid-19 pandemic situation does not exist in formal definition terms yet – at least 350 million people globally should all have the same disease. We are desperately far from that. In the country where I was born the definition for epidemic state is 20 thousand ill citizens per million or about 150 thousand overall and we are now getting out of the emergency situation with less than 3 thousand tested positive (which, by the way, is quite different to being actually ill). About 100 persons have been announced dead from Covid-19 in the last three months in Bulgaria and because that figure is so small it’s easy to check every single case. And such a check reveals a remarkable fact – about 60% of those persons had advanced cancer, another 20% suffered heavy stage of diabetes, and all the others had either heavy respiratory problems or any other heavy chronic problems. The only criteria to put all those dead people in one group is that they have been tested positive to Covid-19. Or, maybe, if we take into consideration the preciseness of the different tests available on the market.