Intensification of Tension in the Persian Gulf

The Americans are consistently aggravating the situation in the Gulf. The basis of their line of argument is the desire to maintain the current level of military supplies to the region, which amount to approximately 65% ​​of total arms purchases by the Gulf countries.

By virtue of this, Washington is torpedoing initiatives aimed to unblock conflicts and crises in the sub-region.

Thus, the Americans refused to send their representatives to an international expert conference recently held in Moscow to unblock the crisis around Iran, although the British and French sent their own highly-trained experts.

The United States is raising the question of creating an anti-Iranian coalition in order to “anchor” regional states to its tough confrontational line against Tehran.

Tehran’s policies face heavy criticism today in both Saudi Arabia and the UAE. However, according to Washington, Qatar and some other countries in the region do not show sufficient “consistency” in confronting Iran.

With the intensification of tension in the Gulf, the Americans, apparently, would like to achieve the formation of a more rigid anti-Iranian alliance.

Politically, this would help the argument of “supporting” the US position in the region, as well as consolidate the tendency to follow agreements on the purchase of American weapons “in case” of warfare.

Of course, in order to effectively combine the military efforts of the United States and states in the region, it would be necessary to carry out a very large amount of work on agreed operative plans, the actions of troops, etc.

Previous US "experiments" to create "military coalitions" in the region have showed that Washington is not really interested in the military component, since the Americans proceed from the fact that they should rely mainly on their own armed forces, especially because the basis of US military activity is the "remote" use of aircraft and missile strikes.

Most likely, the drafting of a new US military-political scheme with the participation of the Gulf states will mainly cover the issues of exerting pressure on Tehran, as well as, in the event of a further degradation of the situation in the Gulf, the “joint patrolling” of the Strait of Hormuz and Bab El Mandeb.

Such a development would allow Washington to find an excuse to take control of one of the most sensitive international energy supply routes.

 As for Iran, the formation of some kind of "coalition" with the Houthis or other regional formations could hardly bring any positive dividends.

On the contrary, with this kind of action, Tehran will confirm the allegations of the Americans and Israelis regarding their support for Shiite militias, which in the West are considered “radicals” or “terrorists”.

Today, additional efforts are required to overcome the backsliding of the sub-region into the abyss of Washington's military adventures.

One of the best ways to correct the situation is to work actively towards the implementation of the Russian proposal on the formation of a regional security system in the Persian Gulf.

Views expressed are of individual Members and Contributors, rather than the Club's, unless explicitly stated otherwise.